Sunday, October 4, 2009

Riley's Costume

Riley 4 months old

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Staying COOL!!

Kaitlyn staying coolCaiden staying cool
Riley an Mommy staying cool
Dominic Kaitlyn and Kiwi staying cool

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Riley is two months old.

Check out the size of my zucchini next to Riley.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Baby Riley 6 weeks old

That's it I'm off to GRANDMA'S

In his room

Monday, July 6, 2009

Happy 27th Birthday ERIK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1st birthday

Erik and Kaitlyn

Cousin Dawn trying to give him a wet willie. YUK!!

Happy Birthday Erik hope you had fun camping we will come over.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

another day at the crazy farm

Cinder checking out the baby. Spunky begging to give Amanda a kiss.
He got his wish.
Batman blowing bubbles.

Monday, June 22, 2009

hello again

Checking him out. comparing hand sizes.
Visiting Uncle Erik he wanted someone to come spend the night in his fort Daddy Tim made so he asked Mandy. She said maybe later. He asked whens later. Then when getting in the car he said Grammy when is later. I asked why and he said Aunt Mandy is going to come spend the night with me in my fort isn't that cool. Dress warm Mandy it might be cold out there :-)
Aunt Mandy
Aunt Bev (ed's sister) with Riley while Caiden shows him one of his toys. Riley thought it was cool. Some day when Riley is Human he might be able to play with it.

Just a few Fathers day pictures.
Also wanted to mention that Kailtyn is a Freshman now. She said I can't believe I hadn't mentioned it. So I did.